Call the New America School-Las Cruces and let us help register you today!
- Lorena Cisneroz Daytime,, (575) 527-9085
- Jackie Macho AfterNoon,, (575) 527-9085
What do I need to register?
- Proof of address (utility bill with home address on it. Phone bill, electric or gas energy bill, water bill. Apartment contract/lease. Can bring bill with relative or friend’s name if they live with them.).
- Birth Certificate or I-94 Bring a copy or original. We cannot accept passports.
- Immunizations records See Immunization Handout for specific information.
- Transcripts from past schools Contact all/any previous US highs schools and request an unofficial transcript. If you do not have transcripts from your country you can have your old school fax your transcripts to us to: (575) 527- 9153 or ask a relative to send or fax it to us.
- Age Cap 22 “school-age person” means a person who is at least five years of age prior to 12:01 a.m. on September 1 of the school year, who has not received a high school diploma or its equivalent and who has not reached the person’s twenty-second birthday on the first day of the school year and meets other criteria provided in the Public School Finance Act In Bill HB0005
If you cannot get your grades (no matter what grade you previously attended) or if you did not attend the 9th grade, we will place you in 9th grade.